Hello caregivers...

MS Caregivers are all those who love and care for someone with MS. Sometimes, if more than one person in the home has an illness, people can be caregivers to one another! Being a caregiver is such an important job and that job plays a very important role in how well the person with MS is coping, healing, and moving forward. That is an enormous responsibility! Always remember to ask for help when you need it yourself!

Oscar knows Caregivers are also called Mom, Dad, sister, brother, aunt, uncle, best friend, boy/girlfriend, pastor, teacher, pen pal, support group...whomever is called to share a child’s/teen’s MS journey is a caregiver. Who cares for the caregivers? Oscar has heard of a few great resources and will update this list as more are discovered!

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society has produced A Guide for Caregivers handbook which we have found helpful.

Parents of Adults living with MS is a Facebook group for sharing experiences, asking questions, and to supporting one another.

See the links and resources page for more information.