School Accommodations
The following is a list of accommodations others have asked for in their IEP for 504 plans.
Please let us know of other accommodations that may be helpful so we can continue to build this list for others
What is an IEP?
According to, “IEPs remove barriers and also provide specialized instruction and services to help a child develop the skills that their disability makes harder to learn.”
What is a 504 Plan?
According to, “504 Plans describe adjustments in the school setting to remove barriers to the regular education in school.” No specialized instruction is a part of the plan.
Let’s Break it Down
Vision Trouble:
large print copies and fewer items per page
audio textbooks
provide a test reader to read questions to student as written on the test
Allow oral responses to essay text questions
record classroom lectures
Copy of teacher notes/presentation ahead of the lecture/class
Note taker
Writing difficulties:
Copy of teacher notes/presentation ahead of the lecture/class
Note taker
record classroom lectures
allow digital note-taking (computer or other keyboard)
Allow oral responses to essay text questions
provide a test reader to read questions to student as written on the test
Trouble moving around:
Elevator pass to move between floors
Longer passing time between classes
locker near front of school
Processing speed:
Extended time for assignments
More time for tests
Copy of teacher notes/presentation ahead of the lecture/class
Independent study classes (if student is self-motivated)
Shortened assignments (i.e if student can demonstrate understanding math concepts in 10 problems vs 20 problems)
Low Energy/Endurance:
sunglasses in the classroom to reduce light stimulus
Baseball cap/visor in the classroom to reduce overhead light stimulus
locker near front of school
reduced schedule
earplugs to reduce sound stimulus
resting place within the school for short quiet breaks (nurse’s office, empty classroom, etc)
Preferential seating away from distractions, windows, doors